Caring for Your Pie

Keep your pie as delicious as it is when you pick it up from our shop… that is, if it survives the car ride home.

Servings: Our pies serve 6-8 people.

Storage: If you’re serving your pie ASAP, you can keep it on your kitchen counter or table when you walk in the door. If you’re waiting a couple days to cut into your pie, slide it in the refrigerator. Set it on the counter for a couple hours to bring it to room temperature before serving.

Chess pies, Sweet Lime, Vintage Pecan, and other nut pies: refrigerate up to a week.

Old Fashioned Apple, Organic Blueberry and other fruit pies: refrigerate up to 5 days.

Pumpkin and other custard pies: refrigerate 4-5 days.

Chocolate Truffle: refrigerate up to 5 days. 

If you decide to freeze your pie, double-wrap it in saran wrap before placing it in the freezer. Allow to thaw for 24 hours before consuming, or heat it in the oven straight from the freezer at 350° F for 20-25 minutes. Please note we only suggest freezing fruit pies.

Before you enjoy your fruit pie: Heat your oven to 300° F and heat up your pie for 20 minutes. When your pie is fully warmed, you’ll feel heat emerge from its center when you place a hand over it. 

We don’t recommend heating up our chess pies, Sweet Lime or Chocolate Truffle pies. Chess pies are best served at room temperature, and our Sweet Lime and Chocolate Truffle pies must be refrigerated.

Use a sharp chef’s knife to slice our pies. To slice a lattice- or crumble-topped pie, saw through the top with a serrated knife.